Friday, March 13, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Oh the horror of social networking sites! As soon as I get a accustomed to one site, a new and barely improved site comes along. MySpace. Facebook. Twitter. To be honest, I simply copy and paste my profile information from one site to the next and connect with the same damn people that I connected with on the last social networking site! The pressure of joining a new site is so overwhelming. When I told people that I had yet to create a Facebook account, the reaction was as if I had admitted that I still wore Cross Colors! Was I old and out of touch? I folded to the peer pressure and created a Facebook account.

I am usually a private individual but Facebook does something magical to me that I have yet to understand. Facebook brain washes me into thinking that it is totally sane to place all of my business on the world wide web for the world to see. Just when I thought I could control my urges, I was pressured to creat my list of 25 Random Things About Me. I guess this is the new phenomenon since it received coverage on the major cable news networks. So here goes...

I wanted to do this list earlier but I had to think of all of the possible stalkers and haters who could possibly use this information against me. And yes...that includes you HR people who analyze social networking sites as a part of the background process.

I love the smell of Old Spice on a well-dressed man. It reminds me of my great-grandfather and his closet-full of suits.

Each morning I wake up and write down all of my dreams in my dream log. I believe that dreams is the way God speaks to me. Oddly enough, I can interpret some dreams and predict some events. I also rush to the mailbox when my right palm itches. Does that make me a country and superstitious? LOL...

As I get older, working 9-to-5 jobs no longer suits me. I feel boxed in.

I despise people who want praise for things that they SHOULD do. Do I have to tip the server for doing something he was paid to do? REALLY? Uttering "I take care of my kids" makes you super dad? REALLY?

If anyone in the service industry even gives the impression that they expect a tip...they will definitely not get one from me. How about coming to work and being proud of just doing your effing job!

I always type "LOL" but rarely crack a smile. I'm actually frowning right now...LOL.

I love the smell of freshly cut Spring grass and the sight of trees. I guess I long for the good old days when I was growing up in the rural South and my neighborhood was like Eden (plum trees, sweet grass, caring neighbors).

I am afraid snakes, angry gorillas, and an IRS tax audit.

My goal this year is to broaden my horizon when it comes to music. When people ask me what music I like, my response is (1) Hip Hop, (2) R&B, (3) Neo Soul, and (4) Soul. When I say that, I feel so...ethnic!! LOL. There is nothing wrong with that but gosh do I have to be so predictable?

Socializing physically drains me. Because I'm an introvert, I have to mentally prepare myself for crowds. Don't be offended...because I didn't show up doesn't mean I don't like just means I wasn't in the mood to socialize.

I want to publish my poetry one day but sharing my innermost thoughts with the world makes me nervous.

My goal in 2009 is to convince at least 3 other African American women to grow out their relaxers. Napturality, baby!

After my great-grandmother died, I almost died of a broken heart. Literally! Thank goodness for a loving, supportive family!

Depression is a topic that should be discussed more often. Otherwise, society makes depression seem like an illness for the weak and crazy. Many are suffering right now and are too afraid to say so for fear of being stigmatized.

I have so much to share in this posting but my husband told me to stop being so verbose. Marriage is all about compromise.

I miss the Tuskegee Crimson Piper's half-time show.

A moderate is the only person who can save our country. Bipartisan politics is ruining America!! REPEAL THE PATRIOT ACT!! (Did I say that? LOL)

As a child, I always had a love/hate relationship with school. Some Black kids wanted to jump on me for "acting white" but I loved to study.

Am I at number 25 yet? Am I getting paid to do this?

The DMV is the reason I will vote against any proposals for universal healthcare. Can you imagine standing in line and taking a number to get a heart transplant? Government bureaucrats should be nowhere near my healthcare decisions!

I get misty-eyed when I hear a beautiful song.

I am throroughly annoyed with people who settle for mediocrity. Just being alive should be more than enough reason to strive for greatness.

I sniff all day every day. I think I want an operation on my sinuses.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the poster child for the talking points parrot syndrome but her wardrobe is fierce!

Helping others anonymously makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I save a draft of my writings before posting/sending. After a few rereads, I send.

*´¨`·.¸¸.* Ebony Ynobe *¨`·.¸¸.*

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