Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blogger Index

Brotha Tech

  I am interested in all things tech. I love gadgets, so my house is filled to the brim with electronics of all kinds.

I consider myself an “early adopter” when I comes to new technology set to release…That means I am first in line to get the latest and greatest in my possession. BUT; I try to stay in the know when it comes to technology, so as a result, I scour the internet in search of the the newest in technology. So even though when something hot is due to release, I make sure to do my homework first!

Ebony Ynobe

  This blogger analyzes politics, social issues, and randomness from the perspective of a young, independent conservative. WARNING: This blogger may cause psychological nudity!

Ebony is not a blogger that caters to any one particular school of thought. The goal is to analyze the facts of current events and provide a somewhat fair analysis to the audience. NOTE: The analysis is sometimes neither fair nor analytical but always thought-provoking.