Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Diary of a Bad Hair Weave

by: Ebony Ynobe http://www.ebonydigest.com/

Hair weave is now a staple in the beauty store offering. Wefted. Lace front. Kinky. Wavy. You name it, they sell it. A hair weave done nicely is undetectable. Besides the obvious concerns of hair loss after years of weaving, hair weave can be a beautiful way for a lady (or man if you are into that type of thing) enhances her beauty.

With that being said, I think all women should band together and make a pact to wear their weaves responsibly. Short of that, women who wear weave should be forced to take a hair weave etiquette course. Really. There is absolutely nothing worse than a bad hair weave. To assist in the responsible proliferation of hair weave, I have taken the liberty of putting together a Hair Weave Etiquette list to assist those who may be confused about the standards.

::1:: The texture of the weave MUST be the same texture of your exposed natural hair.

Countless times, I have walked behind ladies who had beautiful hair. The hair is long, silky, and full of body. Upon closer inspection, I find this one patch of hair (usually around the edges or at the crown) that hasn't been permed since Eve had a crush on Adam.

Silky hair weave + afro = damn shame

::2:: The hairline MUST be believable

I am always concerned about the damage hair weaving techniques can do to the natural hair. Many women have added hair weave as a permanent fixture to their beauty regimen. That is all well but please take care of your natural locs. Hair weave starting inches from your natural hairline is not believable. Fuzzy, broken hair around the hairline coupled with 12 inches of thick, flowing Indian hair is a no-no.

::3:: Just say no to synthetic

There is absolutely no reason on God's green earth that any woman should willingly agree to wear synthetic hair. Hair weaving techniques are too sophisticated to resort to plastic weave. Synthetic hair on a black woman looks about as ridiculous as a white woman with an afro wig. The unnatural sheen and lack of bounce of synthetic hair is a dead giveaway of fake hair.  Become a positive contributor to hair society and pay a little extra for a custom hair piece.

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