Friday, October 23, 2009

If you are not buying the biggest, don’t get the best

by: Brotha Tech (

…when it comes to deciding which HDTV resolution display to buy.

I found a great article @Frugal Home A/V that explains why you probably don't need a 1080p display.

When deciding whether or not to give into the salesman and buy that shiny 1080p TV that is beautifully displayed in the "Home Theater Center", with the super surround speakers and nice leather couch; or be sensible and get the 720p joint they have tucked in the back corner all dimly lit, there is one question you need to answer "What size TV am I going buy?"

Like the article suggests, If you are buy anything under 50 inches, and will be sitting 13 feet or closer, chances are you will NOT be able to see the difference between a 1080p and 720p display. Conversely, where a 1080p resolution shines is if you are buying a larger TV (or projector) and have a HUGE living room or dedicated home theater to put it in.

I know it will be hard to resist temptation, but save yourself some dough and get the 720p TV. A brotha would prefer you take the difference and invest it in a nice surround system that will compliment your new TV and give you full entertainment experience…you'll thank me later.

[via: Frugal Home A/V]

Tagged: 1080p, 720p, resolution

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