Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is there a such thing as www.twitter.com?

by: Brotha Tech (http://brothatech.com)

The obvious answer is "yes" but for the sake of something to blog about, stay with me on this one

I was messing around with my Blackberry looking for a new app to download (for free of course). I was quickly sidetracked and flabbergasted (I've always wanted to use that word) by the number of Twitter apps that are available.

Web-based Twitter clients like:

Mobile apps like:

Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera. (If I didn't list your favorite app, then I suggest you create your own blog that will enable you to rant and rave about how you use twitter)

Which made me wonder? Does anybody even go to the actual Twitter site to "tweet" anymore? Was it by design that Twitter's founders developed a bare bones instant messaging site in hopes that developers would use the site as a springboard to take twitter to the next level? Or was it dumb luck that twitter took off the way it did?

Based on my own investigative reporting, the website still edges out the popular twitter clients based on number of tweets sent, but not by much. Which leads me to believe that in the near future, the Twitter folks won't have to pour too much more time or money in actual development, just charge developers and sit back and collect when and if Twitter goes public (It was just valued at 1 BILLION dollars!)

I too am in the 60/40 ranks of those who use website most, but also rely on clients for my tweeting, but just so I don't leave you out, how do you use Twitter?

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