Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Save Darfur - What You Can Do

What You Can Do
You can help end the genocide by taking small steps that can make a big difference for the people of Darfur. By lobbying your member of Congress, educating others, planning a local event, and generating coverage in the media about the crisis, you will help build the political power needed to end this conflict.

Sign Up For Email Updates
Sign up for regular Email updates! We'll update you on the situation in Darfur and let you know what you can do to help.

Learn More About Darfur
Visit our resources page for books, videos and other Websites you can visit to learn more about the crisis in Darfur. If you know of other resources that are missing from our list, let us know and we will add them.

Join a Local Group
Join an advocacy group in your area and add your voice to the millions of people around the world fighting to save Darfur. Local volunteer advocacy groups are the backbone of the Save Darfur movement. Can't find a Darfur group in your area? Start your own!

Host an Event
Bring your friends and neighbors together with an event. It's a great way to start a conversation about Darfur in your community and raise awareness of the crisis.

Join the Moved By Faith Initiative
Join the faith community in calling on President Obama to bring peace to Sudan.

Lobby Congress
Schedule a meeting with your local elected officials. Tell them that the U.S. must lead to help end the crisis in Darfur and work towards peace for all Sudan.

Make a Donation
Make a tax-deductible contribution to our advocacy efforts to save Darfur. Your contribution will help the Save Darfur Coalition’s pressure world leaders to act immediately to bring peace to Darfur.

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