Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Acne and the Miracle of Honey

Since my mid-twenties, I have been battling against adult acne…sometimes winning…sometimes not. I have mild acne but when I ingest things that trigger allergic reactions (wheat, egg yolk, etc.), I get major comedones around my face and neck. After many visits to the doctor for topical creams, I decided to get a food allergy test to see what was going on inside of my body. Changing my diet has definitely helped but I still sometimes get an  occasional pimple.

After much research, I happened upon an article about acne and honey. According to an article by US News & World Report, the antimicrobial properties in honey is what assists in healing. So I decided to give it a try.

Upon any evidence of an incoming pimple, I dabbed the breakout with a bit of honey. After a few hours, the redness had subsided and within 24 hours the breakout was gone and there was no scarring. Of course, I had to try this many times over because I could not believe the initial results. Needless to say, this is now a permanent part of my skin care regimen.

In addition to treating breakouts, I have moved to prevent breakouts by using a oatmeal and honey mask almost daily. My face is less blotchy (I also have rosacea) and I have no major breakouts. Who know that something as inexpensive as honey and oatmeal could totally transform my skin?! This is a welcomed change because skin breakouts are a distraction in my professional life and medication can be costly.

Recipe: Oatmeal Honey Mask

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