Friday, November 6, 2009

Droid vs. Storm 2

by: Brotha Tech (

…Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut!

At the end of my last smartphone head to head blog post: iPhone vs. anDroid I scoffed (well maybe not scoffed) that the BlackBerry Storm 2 was missing from the lineup

Maybe when the BlackBerry Storm 2 drops, they will revisit the smartphone battle *hint hint*

The Lowdown:

Again, the folks over at Techno Buffalo do not dissapoint and throw up another vid of the Motorola Droid up against "Precious" A.K.A., BlackBerry Storm 2.

Yes, I must admit that I agree with the assessment that Rim's browser for all their BlackBerry's blow…and Rim agrees as well. Word on the street is they may be working with a developer to step up their web-browsing game: RIM advertises for "WebKit Developer" [via: Pocket-lint].

If that is the case, I hope Techno Buffalo (or your very own BrothaTech…send me your products to review plz *cough, PLUG, cough*) will do another head to head with a new kick-ass BlackBerry browser *hint hint*

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