Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New worm making its way ‘ROUND’ Facebook

by: Brotha Tech (http://brothatech.com)

"Want To C Something Hot…Click da Button, Baby!"

Brotha Tech's suggestion is that you NOT click da button………Baby

The Lowdown:

The folks over at AVG: Antivirus and Security Software have uncovered a Facebook worm that infects your Facebook page (and prolly your computer) and is waiting to infect all others who click on the curvy sista in the sexy undergarments that is now lamented on your FB page.

By clicking the pic you noticed on a friend's page, it takes you to another site with a larger view of the temptress. If you roll the dice and "click da button, baby" it will take you to an adult site. After a couple more clicks, Instantly you realize that's not where you want to be and browse back to you FB page, the image is now pasted on your wall working it's magic, and just waiting for others to follow suit.

Here is video from AVG showing how the worm works.

Be safe out there on these social networking sites folks!

Tagged: AVG, facebook, porn site, sexy pic, worm

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