Monday, December 14, 2009

Recipe: Ginger Skin Creme

Ginger invigorates, and oil soothes. Try this double dose for dry skin.


2-inch piece of fresh ginger

2 teaspoons light sesame oil

2 teaspoons apricot kernel oil

2 teaspoons vitamin E oil

½ cup cocoa butter


Preheat oven on lowest setting. Finely grate the ginger just enough so that you have about an 1/8 teaspoon of ginger “juice.” To obtain the juice, squeeze the freshly grated ginger over a small bowl. Place the ingredients (including the ginger) in a glass container and heat just until the cocoa butter is melted and the oils are blended. Pour into a clean, dry container and store in a cool dry place. You can add a few drops of orange or other essential oil for a nice twist.

*Compliments of Spa Index.

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