Monday, December 21, 2009

Shane Sparks Calls Molestation Charges 'Extortion'

Filed under: Television, News, Celeb Updates

On Dec. 18, 'America's Best Dance Crew' judge Shane Sparks was arrested and charged with eight counts of child molestation. The alleged lewd acts were said to have occurred in 1994 with a girl at least 10 years his junior.

Now, Sparks' attorney, Steve Meister, is speaking out on behalf of his client.

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Meister argues that the charges are "completely without merit" and furthers claims that they stem from "extortion, Hollywood style."

Sparks posted his $590,000 bail on Dec.19 and was released by the Los Angeles Police Department.

Meister told 'E! News' that the famous 40-year-old choreographer "knows he is innocent and will fight this tooth and nail."

"The timing is beyond suspicious, and the whole thing stinks to high heaven," Meister added. "We are going to fight to clear his name and we are going to succeed."

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