Monday, January 11, 2010

Black Broadcasting Network Launches on Verizon Fios

Black Broadcasting Network (BBN) is the new black

First there was BET then there was TV One. Now there is a new channel targeting the 18- to 34-year old "urban" market called Black Broadcasting Network (BBN). Founded by Yusef F. Muhammad and Ricky Anderson, BBN is partnering with Verizon Fios TV Video on Demand to bring BBN to cable.

[The agreement] “established our existence in broadcast cable," said Ricky Anderson, BBN’s chairman and CEO. "The network will focus on programming that is appealing, interesting, entertaining and culturally relevant to urban viewers today.” The deal “provides national broadcast distribution from New York to Los Angeles, with many major markets between the East Coast, West Coast, North, and South,” said Anderson.


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