Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's Detox Time: Refresh Your Relationship and Get Rid of Bad Spirits

It's time to clean out your "bad spirit." Every relationship goes through ups and downs, and to make sure that you start the new year off on a positive note, a relationship detox is in order. It's time to shed the negative toxins that have poisoned your relationship and refocus your mind on what is most important to the health of your coupling. There are a host of "bad spirits" that can undermine your relationship, and until you become aware of what they are, you can't stop them from infiltrating your love life. After the jump, read up on the top 10 "bad spirits." If you recognize yourself in any of these, detox immediately. Here's to healthy, happy relationships in 2010!

The Scorekeeper

You constantly compete with your partner, and it turns your relationship into a battleground. You sacrifice your relationship to be a winner at the expense of making your partner a loser. Healthy relationships are built on love, so let go of the your competitive spirit and focus on creating a win-win relationship for both you and your partner.

The Faultfinder
You constantly see the worst in your partner and obsess over every little flaw. This inevitably drives love away, and creates division within your relationship. Focus on what is right about your partner and let him or her know what you love most.

I'm Always Right
Believing that you are always right creates an atmosphere of fighting to the death. The death of your relationship that is. You have to let go of your need to always be in control and focus your attention on what will work for the relationship.

The Pit Bull
Do you attack your partner with vicious words, a mean tone or a frosty stare when you get into an argument? It's time to tame the pit bull in you and find healthier ways to communicate. Your intention should not be to hurt your partner, but rather to find a compromising solution to the problem that works for both of you.

The Passive Aggressor
Are you the type that slashes your partners tires, then acts surprised when it's discovered? Do you tell everyone in town your spouse is a loser and then pretend to not know what he is talking about when he confronts you? Your underhanded attempts to sabotage your partner will only weaken your relationship. If you have an issue, bring it to the table and learn to deal with problems as a couple.

Bait and Switch
Have you ever been angry at your partner about one problem, but criticized him about another? You need to address the real issue if you are to solve any problems, and you can't do that if you're pointing in the wrong direction. Be brave and assertive when approaching an issue and don't pull the bait and switch.

Forgive? Fuggetaboutit!
When you choose to hold a grudge and not forgive your partner you trap yourself between a rock and a hard place. The negative energy that invades your relationship will affect your feelings and wreak havoc. Learning to forgive is vital to the health of your love, so focus on what you can do to live and let go.

The Greedy Needy
Are you so needy that you drive your partner crazy? Do you constantly demand reassurance but can never seem to get enough attention or love? It's time to find self worth within yourself, and that means believing in your and finding value in who you are.

The Sloth
Are you so comfortable in your relationship that you have stopped trying? Do you let your partner bear the brunt of responsibilities? Failing to stimulate and contribute to the life of your relationship will leave your love stagnant. Get off your butt and act like you still need to impress, and spend each day working to keep the flame alive.

Giving Up
You may be at the point in your relationship where you feel there is no way to heal the love. You have become so negative and cynical that you have isolated yourself or have just given up. This is the time to confront your problems and not run away from them. If you want to be in a successful relationship there is no room for giving up.

View article at BVOnLove.com

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