Monday, January 25, 2010

Recipe: Massage Balm


This massage balm is similar to those selling for $36 by L’Occitane. It is wonderful for full body massage and stress areas such as the neck and shoulders. It is not as strong as a Tiger Balm. Makes approx. 10 ozs.


5 ozs. Ultra Shea Butter

2-3 ozs. Beeswax Pearls (for consistency)

1 Tblsp. Coconut Oil

1/2 Tblsp. Vegetable Oil (sesame or any light oil)

1/2 Tblsp. Menthol Crystals (melted)

1 tsp. Glycerin liquid

Drops of the following essential oils: Eucalyptus 20 drops, Camphor 10 drops, Pine 10 drops.

1 Container


Over low heat melt the shea butter and beeswax. Melt the menthol crystals in the microwave or over low heat in another pan. Add the remaining ingredients, the menthol crystals and essential oils, stirring until incorporated. Pour into tin or plastic container and let cool completely. The balm may look oily for the first day, but will dry further by the next day.

* Courtesy of


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