Friday, January 15, 2010

Too many tweets? Problem solved!

Who doesn't love twitter? Many use the application to communicate with other members of my organizations, news, entertainment, and much more. With so much information, one can begin to suffer from tweet overload.

Do not fear, the functionality of lists are here. Twitter has recently rolled out a new functionality called lists. Lists allows you to follow tweets without having the tweets appear on your 'friends timeline.'

To keep up with individuals without bombarding your timeline:

1. Log into your twitter account
2. Locate the “lists” section in the right navigation column
3. Click “new list” link in the “lists” section
4. A pop-up window named “create new list” will appear
5. Complete the following fields:
a. List name – the name of the new list which you are creating (i.e. music tweets)
b. Description – description of the list you are creating (i.e. the latest in music and entertainment)
c. Privacy – choose “public” if you want others to view your list; otherwise choose “private”

Now that your list is created, you can add tweeters to your list.
1. navigate to someone’s twitter page
2. just below the tweeter’s name, click on the “lists” drop-down menu
3. check the name of the list for which the tweeter will be added (i.e. music tweets)

There you have it. You do not have to be bombarded with tweets but you have easy access to all of the people you wish to follow.

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