Monday, January 4, 2010

World's First Flying Car Will be Available to Consumers by 2011

first flying car

It's a bird, it's a plane--No, wait, it's a car! The Terrafugia Transition, the world's first car that actually flies, will finally be for sale much sooner than you think: 2011.

The flying car has finally completed all of its flight-testing requirements and successfully demonstrated how it can drive, fly and automatically transform between the two in one automated aircraft. The vehicle is categorized as a light sport aircraft, and you will actually need a sport pilot certificate to fly one.

first flying car

The Transition will cruise up to 450 miles at more than 115 mph, will drive at highway speeds on the road and fits in a standard household garage. The vehicle has front wheel drive on the road and a propeller for flight. Both modes are powered by unleaded automotive gasoline. It also increases safety by incorporating automotive crash structures and allowing pilots to drive under bad weather. Just in case you're wondering how long it takes to transform the vehicle from a plane to a car--less 30 seconds baby!

You can reserve your very own flying car for $10,000 right now but expect to add on another $185,000 for actual delivery.

first flying car

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