Friday, January 29, 2010

Yes your iPhone CAN control your house

Last night, I attended a business networking event in my area (I moonlight as a residential A/V installer). While I was working the room, I kept hearing myself repeat “yes you can control your home with an iPhone.”

The folks thought that was pretty cool. But the problem I kept running into with the conversations was that it was hard to try to describe how it can be done in a relatively loud and crowded area with relatively lound and inebriated people. Can’t really blame them for wanting to kick back after a hard day’s work…I’m just saying trying to do my “elevator pitch” to people who can’t hear or understand what I am saying prevents a challenge.

I digress

The Lowdown:

So I figured I would post up some videos of how easy home automation can be here where you can watch them when you are more “focused” – The Videos are for demonstration of the technology only…but I can do allot of that stuff *cough* plug *cough*.

Disclaimer:I don’t necessarily work with or have first-hand experience with every one of the companies/products in the videos, the vids are just to get your mind thinking about how YOUR home can come alive.

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