Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mission Accomplished: Moisturized Hair


Soft and moisturized coils

I started my natural journey during the summer of 2007. During that time, my hair went through many changes yet one thing remained constant…dry hair. I was convinced that there was absolutely no way to maintain moisture with Type 4a/4b hair without using tons of product.

Finally, after much trial and error, I have a routine that keeps my coils soft and moisturized. The process starts with the wash. Using all-natural, cream-based shampoos is key. Using harsh shampoos strip the hair of its natural oils and leaves the hair brittle. Following each shampoo with a cream-based, all-natural conditioner also helped. After the conditioner, a cold water rinse closes the hair shaft and creates more shine.

After washing (or co-washing), I put my favorite oil on my fingertips and massage into my scalp. I then moisturize my hair with oil, shea butter, or both. The goal is to moisturize the hair thoroughly while still wet. If I have an additional water left in my hair, I dry my hair with a microfiber towel. If I experience dryness throughout the day (which is rare unless I'm in the sun for an extended period of time), I simply spritz the hair with an aloe vera gel and water mix.

So there you have it. Do you have a moisture regimen?

Lessons Learned

  • use microfiber fabric to dry hair after washing
  • avoid products with alcohol and cones
  • add moisturizer to hair while still wet/damp
  • spritz with aloe vera and water throughout the day (as needed)
  • use cream-based shampoos and conditioners


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