Sunday, April 18, 2010

Google Cloud Print Lets You Print From Anywhere

Don't you wish you could print to your network-connected printer from your smartphone (or iPad)?

by: Brotha Tech (


Don't you wish you could print to your network-connected printer from your smartphone (or iPad)? Well Google Cloud Print MAY be able to deliver on that request.

With Google Cloud Print, You send a print request to the application, and it notifies a nearby printer connected to a network. As long as the printer has a IP address, you can send print requests to it from anywhere!

I say may be able to deliver, because the application is not a reality. Google has only made documentation and code about it's plans available to developers, so there's no working model yet.

But at the rate the Google is taking over the world, I would expect this venture to become a reailty very soon.

For more info, visit: The Chronium

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