Saturday, March 28, 2009

21 Day Detox

As I get closer to my 30th birthday, I am starting to take note of things in my life. I am grateful for all of the positive things and disturbed by all of the less-than-savory things. Like many other young professionals, I am over-stimulated. I have a successful career which requires power-networking, long hours, and constant access to my Blackberry. As a self-proclaimed political junkie, I have constant RSS feeds of news stories on my websites and in my email inboxes. Did I mention inboxes (read plural)? Of course, I need multiple inboxes to organize all of my emails...daily organic recipes...latest professional networking events...blogs and listserv daily poses...local real estate deals.

No wonder I feel the need to start my 21 day detox! With this constant drive, I find that I need constant recalibration. A little over 2 years ago, I started my "healthy mind and body" journey. I grew out my relaxer and optioned for a natural follicular existence. I promised myself that I would become more financially fit, more physically fit, and would take stock of the foods that I put into my body. Overall, I have been successful but here I am again in need of a recharge.

With age comes wisdom and with wisdom comes the realization that life is a journey. I have learned great lessons thus far in my life and as I get closer to the big 3-0, I want to be in the best dietary/mental/financial/physical condition to thoroughly enjoy the next decade of my life. To prepare, I'll spend the next 21 days detoxing.

::1:: 21 Day Detox (Dietary Detox)

The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox ( is great for cleansing the body. Though this book can be used as a fad diet guidebook, it can also be used for periodic toxin flushing. I try and do this detox at least quarterly and usually for a week at a time. Of course this time, I will do it for the full 21 days.

::2:: Girl, Get Your Money Straight (Financial Detox)

Glinda Bridgforth's book ( is excellent at taking a holistic approach to financial health. During this recession, it is a great time to tighten up the budget and increase the savings rate. I used this book to pull myself out of credit card debt and purchase my first home within a year of graduating from college.

::3:: The Secret (Mental Detox)

I find myself bombarded with negative or just plain counterproductive thoughts almost daily. I have vowed to turn off the television (unless it is the Public Broadcasting Station), read more, and use positive music as a soundtrack for my life. There is a book called The Secret ( that changed my life. It gives the tools needed to train the mind for a balanced, positively productive life.

::4:: Yoga & Pilates (Physical Detox)

Going to the gym is a burdensome chore for me so yoga and pilates in my living room is a daily commitment. Yoga ( gives me the strength and flexibility all while meditating. Windsor Pilates ( helps me firm my body. Overall, I get maximum physical benefit without bulky muscles.

Now that I have a plan in place, I want to make one last reservation at one my favorite Ethiopian restaurants and order the largest glass of honey wine they have and THEN find a few friends who are willing to join me on my detox journey.

*´¨`·.¸¸.* Ebony Ynobe *¨`·.¸¸.*

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