Friday, December 18, 2009

Eldrick Woods would've been better off WITHOUT technology!

A Hoe In One!

Yes, it’s Brotha Tech’s turn to talk about the story you love to hate: “Tiger” Woods. But if you have been reading my blog thus far (both of you) that means you know I am not gonna just regurgitate the same ol’ subject with the same ol’ subject matter. I am gonna give it to you with my very own “Low Down” spin to it – Yes that sounds corny, but somebody told me to stay consistent, so Imma stick with it!

So my low down tech spin to a story about an athlete cheating on his wife that is strangely (not really) getting more airplay than former Senator Larry Craig’s bathroom morse-code sex tutorial; is that with the right technology (or the complete avoidance of), Tiger Woods would still be sinking hoes holes on the fairway and checking out the mercandise at your local exclusive cocktail lounge pro shop.

The Low Down:

Let me drop my disclaimer before my RSS subscriber count gets cut in half: In NO WAY am I condoning infidelity. I am a loving husband & father and I of all people strongly believe that it’s cheaper to keep her devoting yourself to a strong woman for eternity is truly what makes a man a man. I just want to point out that if you are gonna do something retarded, do it to the best of your ability!

As a self-proclaimed Tech Evangelist, I am always looking towards technology to provide the fastest, most convienient way to get a particular job done. Which I am sure is what Tiger Woods was thinking when he was getting in contact with and arranging “arrangements” (and payments) with the many successful, financially independent and morally righteous individuals Tiger has been linked with [/sarcasm]. So the fact that Tiger more than likely set up his hook-ups with his own personal cell phone…and even programmed their numbers into his phone (using guys names and/or special characters won’t work either) isn’t too far fetched.

This is one of those times when Tiger should’ve went old school “off the grid” style and actually memorized important/frequently used phone numbers and only utilized public/pay phones

But our need to stay connected has pushed us into an era where everybody can get ahold of just about anybody with a few clicks on a smartphone. That means any unsuspecting wife WHO HAD NO CLUE WHATSOEVER THAT HER HUSBAND WAS ‘STEPPING OUT (how do you make that smiley face with the turned up mouth that portrays disbelief?) can pretty much have access to your whole entire life just by happening upon your cellphone with the little ‘new message’ icon blinking that screams “click me…you know you want to”. That will leave the cheating spouse scrambling around in “damage control” everytime.

Technology, a nosy wife, and some opportunistic gold diggers – 15
Tiger Woods – 0

Now I guarantee you the above phone call did NOT come from a phone that could in any way link Tiger to mistress #1 (too little, too late)

Which brings me to the fact that Tiger is probably a busy man, and due to his hectic schedule and superstar status, could not just stop into any old Super 8 Motel and ask “hey is it cool if I make a quick phone call?” I am pretty sure most of his “goings on” were done with super privacy. As a result, he probably needed to have quick access to his “contacts” while staying away from the general public. Which means at some point, technology has it’s place in EVERY skeleton-laced nook and cranny of our society. But still Tiger, don’t use your regular phone!…and don’t have your chicks call from their regular phones!

Purely hypothetical (I can’t stress that enough in the following paragraph, Mrs. Tech does read my blog); but I would have kept the tech as minimal as possible and opted to pay cash for a couple (or a dozen in Tiger’s case) cheap cell phones you can find in your everyday grocery store, and loaded them up with pre-paid minutues. Several companies include: Tracphone, Boost Mobile, Net10, and Cricket Wirless. Tiger simply could’ve had a guy, who got a guy to regularly run in and buy these phones, load them up with minutes and dish them out to all of his “clients” with simple instructions on how to AND HOW NOT TO get in contact with “El Tigre”.

I feel i’ve said too much already, so let me end by saying that sometimes, just sometimes too much technology can be a bad thing!

Brotha Tech – Giving you the “Low Down” on ALL (and I mean all) things Tech!

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