Sunday, January 10, 2010

My CES Wish List

Since I will not be attending CES this year (can’t say that enough) I will still scour the interwebs to feed my hunger for the latest and greatest the show has to offer. But there are several technologies that I will really be on the lookout for. Here is my list and why

The Lowdown:

Do I have to use the glasses?

Over the holidays, I (and a ba-jillion other people) dropped some serious dough to watch the movie “Avatar”…and it didn’t disappoint either! I specifically searched out an IMAX 3D Experience just to see how good the movie would look in 3D…and it didn’t disappoint either! But my question is? Can TV’s and other components reproduce that same 3D experience at home? And how much will the average consumer have to shell out to take advantage? There are already some TV’s on the market that claim to be “3D Ready”…but are they really? Hopefully CES can shed some light on my skepticism curiosity.

image courtesy of moko.labs

Cut Cable...DO IT!

TV over the internet or IPTV
I am almost positive more and more people are thinking about calling their cable/satellite provider and telling them to “kick rocks”. But they feel that in order to get decent programming, they are trapped under the thumb of these TV giants. I predict that the battle between Cable/Satellite TV and IPTV will be the next “format war” of this decade (I know they are not formats – I just couldn’t come up with anything clever). What I want to find out from CES is are the current and upcoming players in IPTV serious enough to take it to the TV gods.

'Good morning Mr. Tech. What can I do for you today?'

Home Automation
I just love this technology. The mere idea that my house can shoot me an email when my wife gets home; I can monitor my security cameras, turn my heat up or down, or set my DVR to record Oprah on my smartphone; control ALL of my electronics (including my oven, fridge, security, and HVAC) with one remote unit gets me going. I want to know how simple in cheap, or how difficult and costly it will be for the average consumer to convert their house into a “Smart Home

So there are my questions CES MUST answer. What are yours?

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