Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Taken Hostage by Black

I must say that I still get all warm and fuzzy when I think of this country having an African American president. There is much to be said about the major advancement of African Americans in this country. African slaves built the White House and now the White House is the home of a picture-perfect first family which happens to be Black. That is the epitome of the American Dream!

Since January 20, 2009, I have been taken hostage by Black! When debating politics, I feel forced to limit my criticisms about President Obama. I am made to feel as though I am a traitor to my race when I present valid disagreements with some of the current policies being developed by the current administration.

I worked to get Obama elected, contributed to his campaign, and stood in 12 degree weather on the Washington National Mall to watch history in the making. Shouldn't I be able to criticize? Haven't I earned that right?

I was staunchly against the bank bailouts that failed to deliver ANY banking reforms/regulations to prevent another financial meltdown worldwide. I was against Cash for Clunkers that allowed more Americans to purchase more foreign-made cars while Detroit suffered. I was, also, against many of the unqualified or just plain shady characters that were appointed to the Obama Administration.

There have been accomplishments during the first 100 days but there have been some major failures. As a well-informed, politically active, freedom of speech loving African American, I want to be able to enumerate those failures without fear of having my Black card revoked.

Note to African Americans: President Obama should not get a pass just for being (part) Black. Score his performance like you would that of any other president. Didn't we fight all of these years to be treated equally?

*´¨`·.¸¸.* Ebony Ynobe *¨`·.¸¸.*

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